Saturday, April 14, 2007

Barossa Valley Vintage Festival

Today we spent the day in the Barossa Valley wine country....of course this was going to be a highlight for me. My brother Mike is a freelance editor for the Australian Wine industry and we were invited to "tea" at the home of Paul and Fran Clancy, owners of the Clancy Fuller vineyards. What a treat that was! Then we joined them for the Vintage Festival Parade and celebration! The Aussie's sure know how to have a good time....especially in the wine country! We were introduced to several of Mike's clients, including Jacob's Creek, Yolumba, and Rockport winerys. There were few people along the parade route that did not have a glass of wine in their's the Aussie way! The Bunco gals would have loved it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You Better Be Bringing Home The Wine! Cindy You Have Been holding Out On Us! My God It Looks Like You Are Having A Great Time!